Container Considerations: How To Make A Cremation More Eco-Friendly

6 October 2022
 Categories: , Blog


Did you know that cremation can be better for the environment than a burial? This isn't to suggest that cremation is an entirely clean method, as pollutants are inevitably released into the atmosphere during the process. But when the resources required for the long-term (and even indefinite) upkeep of a grave at a cemetery are considered, the environmental advantages of cremation become clearer. There are ways to make the process even better for the environment, and this relates to what enters the actual cremation chamber. 

Clear Instructions

If the well-being of the planet is important to you, you may wish to leave clear instructions about your cremation—more than simply telling loved ones that you wish to be cremated. Different jurisdictions have different regulations pertaining to the way in which a person must be cremated, and each cremation provider may have its own policy. But there are a few options you may wish to enquire about.

Cremation Containers


A cremation shroud is a simple garment that covers a person's remains. It's usually made of natural, organic fibers. The idea is that the remains are placed directly inside the cremation chamber, wearing only the shroud, and without a container of any type. As no type of container is incinerated, fewer pollutants are released.


It may not be permitted to cremate human remains without a container, as it can make the safe and respectful handling of the remains difficult. A container made of reinforced cardboard is the most simple alternative, and the relative lack of density of the material means that it doesn't require much additional fuel to cremate it, nor will it release as many contaminants as other options.


When a cardboard container is not available, a harder, though still lightweight option may be utilized. A woven bamboo cremation container permits the safe cremation of remains, and although the container will unavoidably be cremated too, the woven nature of the container means that far fewer raw materials have gone into its construction.

Plain Wood

If a shroud is not permitted, and it's difficult to source a reinforced cardboard or woven bamboo cremation container, opt for a plain wooden box. This must be untreated wood (which is industry standard), as opposed to plywood, or another form of pressboard, which contains glue. Any additives in the wood will make the release of fumes created by the process even more noxious. 

While you may wish to be cremated because the method is more eco-friendly than burial, the method can be made even kinder to the environment if you specify what you wish to be cremated in.

Contact a local cremation service to learn more.